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Starting A Business: The First 5 Steps eBook
Download Your Complimentary Copy Now!
  • A 14-page eBook designed to help you determine the right business idea  
  • Challenge your own thoughts about starting your new business
  • The first of seven keys in the FirmTree Startup Path Course
Use The eBook To Refine Your Business Idea Into A Winning Strategy
Money Machine First, Company Second
So you've had your wheels have been turning about starting a business. You've got a business concept or two that you like. Now it's time to wrap a strategy around one viable concept. Start with a small test. Build a small money making 'system'. Then, once you have it working, build a company around it.
Read - Respond - Write Down
This is the first 'Key' in our Startup Path eCourse. You'll get our Founder's story and the first 5 steps to business design. There are a ton of questions to ask yourself about your idea. Read the questions and respond. Write down your answers. This is a great start to a successful business.
You're Going To Want A Guide Along The Way - It's Why We're Here
  • Experience Matters
  • There are 1,000+ decisions to make to get to launch day. Friends and family are great, but so is an outside sounding board who has been there.
  •  You're An Athlete
  • Ever played a sport and not had a coach? We believe entrepreneurs stand a better chance with a guide.
  • Time Is Of The Essence
  • There are windows of time to achieve the next level. Once they pass it's not always recoverable. It helps to know they're coming.
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